MedLife Medicine online at discount

MedLife Medicine online at discount
Buy genuine medicine online from MedLife discount up to 50% for new user (code : GM50)

Track Record

Learning Fees Paid to Market

Purchase dateLoss
HB Portfolio LtdNov-1030%
Mac Charles (India) LtdDec-100
Chowgule Steamships LtdJan-1140%
Agre Developers LtdJan-1130%
Indsil Hydro Power & Manganese LtdApr-110%

Gain due to over 70% luck and less than 30% skill

Discussed DateSold DateDiscussed priceSold PriceLowHighCAGRGainLTP
Nucleus Software Exports Ltd.13-Mar-11Dec-14782105735341.78%2.7x276My avg was 68 but return calculated on 78
Kaveri Seed Company LtdAug-12Dec-14160 (800)8701501075118.48%5.8x490
Umang Dairies LtdAug-12Jul-1540652510117.57%1.6x76My avg 28 but return calculated on 40
Sah Petroleums Ltd(GP Petroleums Ltd)Oct-12Dec-1412.21 (Bonus Adjusted)806.0598.3594.15%6.55x90
Intrasoft technologiesDec-14Oct-15 (partial)45 and 5256041600181.95%8.66x390CAGR and Gain on LTP
Olympia Industries LtdJul-15NA165 to 90NA9034963.51%2.1x345CAGR and Gain on price of 165
TechNVision Ventures Ltd(Solix technologies)Oct-15NA46NA46221237.28%4.13x190
ADI Finechem LimitedNov-15NA225NA170560118.49%2.37x535

Skill more than luck
???????Still Searching
???????Still Searching

My track record was bad till 2011 and then bit improved starting from 2012 .

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